Canine Respiratory Illness
Should you be concerned about respiratory illness in your dog? A mystery canine respiratory illness has been spreading across the nation with occurrences reported in Oregon, Colorado, Indiana, Illinois, Washington, Idaho, California, Nevada, and portions of the Northeast. The symptoms mimic those of kennel cough or canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC), as respiratory signs […]
Senior Pet Month: Enhancing Your Senior Pet Care Routine

Senior Pet Month this November is a time to appreciate your pet’s unwavering love and companionship and reflect on ways you can enhance their senior years by recognizing the changes they face with age. We’re here to help you outline these changes and provide you with transformative tips to elevate your senior pet care routine […]
How Spaying or Neutering Your Pet Encourage Health and Happiness

Every pet owner aspires to bring their pet a life of health and happiness. From purchasing the best foods to ensuring ample quality time together, pet owners plan their day based on their pet’s vital needs. One of the most effective ways to encourage a lifetime of health and happiness for your pet is through […]
Let’s Talk Prevention for National Pet Immunization Awareness Month

It’s time to talk about prevention. August is National Pet Immunization Awareness month, which means it’s that time of year where it’s important to bring up the topic of preventive healthcare and vaccinations. Where your dog is a home-body or a nature-loving adventurer, immunizations for dogs are essential and we’re here to discuss why. Where […]
Benefits of Involving Your Kids in Pet Care

Most kids remember their first pet for life. Pets enrich our lives at any age, and having a pet at home can actually help your child with their social, physical, mental, and emotional development. If you have a family pet in your home, don’t hesitate to have your child help out with different pet-related chores. […]
Recognizing Signs of Anxiety in Pets

Just like humans, pets are at risk for developing anxiety and stress. Unlike humans, pets can’t explain what it is that’s stressing them out. It’s up to you to recognize symptoms of anxiety, and try to identify what is causing it. Then you can work with your veterinarian or a pet trainer to help your […]
Kitten Care Tips for Pet Appreciation Week

To celebrate Pet Appreciation Week this June, you might be thinking of bringing home a new pet. Kittens are a joy to have around and can be a welcome addition to any household. However, there is a lot more to caring for new kittens than playing with them. Keep reading as we cover some of […]
Identifying Summer Pet Hazards

Summer is the season for outdoor activities with your pet. The weather is beautiful, the sun is shining, and there is no lack of fun to engage in. However, while it’s important to maximize your summer, it’s equally as important to identify the potential summer pet health hazards to ensure your pet can have an […]
Is Your Pet at Risk of Heartworm Disease?

The short answer is yes, your pet is at risk. It was once thought that heartworms only affected dogs, but after years of veterinary research, it is now known that heartworms can affect several species of animals. Keep reading to find out how you can protect your animal from heartworm disease. How can my pet […]
Tips for Preventing Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are a very real problem for all pet owners. Prevention is the best way to protect your animals from lasting problems like tapeworm and Lyme disease. Keep reading for some tips to prevent your pets from fleas and ticks. Inspect Your Pets After taking a walk through tall grasses or wooded areas, […]