
Is Your Pet at Risk of Heartworm Disease?
The short answer is yes, your pet is at risk. It was once thought that heartworms only affected dogs, but after years of veterinary research,

Tips for Preventing Fleas and Ticks
Fleas and ticks are a very real problem for all pet owners. Prevention is the best way to protect your animals from lasting problems like

How to Keep Your Pet Healthy with the Right Diet
Have you been buying the same kind of pet food for years without really looking at the ingredients? Are you sure your pet is getting

What to Think About When You Set New Year’s Resolutions for Your Pet
The new year is the perfect time to make sure your pet’s health and wellness are top of mind. As you make your own New

Correcting Unwanted Behavior in Pets
Many unwanted behavioral issues commonly seen in pets are due to anxiety, boredom, or fear. You can correct your pet’s unwanted behavior through consistently using

Does Your Pet Need Different Veterinary Care as He Ages?
Different aspects of your pet’s veterinary care should change as he ages. Pets who are over ten years old need regular health exams, different vaccinations,

Don’t Give Your Pets These Holiday Foods
You may want to include your pets in your traditional holiday meal by giving them a special treat, but certain human foods are dangerous or

Questions to Ask Your Veterinarian About Canine Dental Health
Because your dog cannot speak, you may not always be able to tell if something is wrong, especially when it comes to your dog’s oral

Preventative Dental Care for Your Cat
Cats, just like any other pet, needs regular care from the veterinarian including dental exams and cleanings. Dental disease is one of the most common